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// ==UserScript== // @name [2015] Variacion del TOP en galaxia // @description En la vista de galaxia, muestra si el jugador subió o bajó posiciones desde la ultima vez que visitaste su sistema solar. // @include http://** // @namespace variacion-top-galaxia // @version 2015.1 // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== (function() { var myFunction = (function () { if (!this.GM_getValue || (this.GM_getValue.toString && this.GM_getValue.toString().indexOf("not supported") != -1)) {this.GM_getValue = function(key, def){return localStorage[key] || def;};this.GM_setValue = function(key, value){return localStorage[key] = value;};this.GM_deleteValue = function(key){return delete localStorage[key];};} var setValue = function(key, value) {GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value));} var getValue = function(key, def) {var value = GM_getValue(key); if (value === undefined) {return def;} return JSON.parse(value);} $(document).ajaxSuccess(function (e, xhr, settings) { if (document.getElementById('galaxytable') != null && document.getElementById('divgalaxydata') == null) { var info = document.getElementById("colonized"); info.innerHTML = info.innerHTML + ' | ' var button = document.createElement('span'); button.className = 'tooltip'; button.appendChild(document.createTextNode( 'Reiniciar clasificación (' + GM_getValue("date") + ')' )); button.title = "Click para reiniciar todas las clasificaciones (inclusive otros sistemas solares)"; button.onclick = function() { var players = new Object(); GM_setValue("players", players.toSource() ); var dt = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); GM_setValue("date", dt); alert('Variaciones reiniciadas'); }; ="pointer"; info.appendChild(button); var link = document.createElement("div"); = "divgalaxydata"; document.getElementById('galaxytable').getElementsByTagName('tr')[18].appendChild(link); if (document.getElementById('galaxytable').getElementsByClassName('bdaySlot')[0] != undefined) { var i = 5; } else { var i = 4; } var id; var players = eval(GM_getValue("players")); if( players == 'undefined' || players == null) { players = new Object(); } while (i < 19) { var idDiv = document.getElementById('galaxytable').getElementsByTagName('tr')[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[7]; var idRank = document.getElementById('galaxytable').getElementsByTagName('tr')[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[8]; if (idDiv.innerHTML.indexOf('<div id="player') > -1) { var id = (idDiv.innerHTML.split('<div id="player'))[1].split('"'); if (id[0] != "") { id = id[0]; var rank = (document.getElementById('player'+id) .getElementsByTagName('li')[0] .getElementsByTagName('a')[0]).innerHTML; if(isNaN(rank)){ rank = 0; } if(players[id] == 'undefined' || players[id] == null) { players[id] = rank; } var variation = rank - players[id]; var span = document.createElement('span'); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode( variation )); span.title = "Click para reiniciar la clasificación de este jugador"; span.className = 'tooltip'; = id; span.onclick = function() { this.innerHTML = '0'; var players = eval(GM_getValue("players")); if( players == 'undefined' || players == null) { players = new Object(); } players[] = null; GM_setValue("players", players.toSource() ); ="lime"; alert('La variación de TOP del jugador fue reiniciada'); }; ="pointer"; if( variation < 0) { ="red"; } else { ="lime"; } var player = document.getElementById('player'+id[0]); idRank.appendChild(span); } } i = i + 1; } GM_setValue("players", players.toSource() ); } }); }).toString (); var script = document.createElement ("script"); script.setAttribute ("type", "application/javascript"); script.textContent = "(" + myFunction + ") ();"; document.body.appendChild (script); })();